Pierluigi Vernetto
Contact e-mail:
[email protected] [email protected]Contact number: +44-(0)788-4421234, +39-0165-32405, or +1-801-858-6852 for voice messages
Citizenship: Italian. Holding H1-B Visa for USA sponsored by a consulting agency.
Languages spoken fluently: English French Italian (mother tongue) Spanish Portuguese
Currently working in: London, UK, for Lloyds-TSB
Mr. Vernetto is an applications developer and architect with 12 years experience in the following areas:
The candidate describes himself as a good team player, rigorous in writing documented clean and structured code, creative and keen on finding the cleanest and most effective solution to a problem, always ready to share information and cooperate with other team members.
His main interest is writing distributed applications - both client side and server side - in Java-EJB or Forte, from Object-Data modelling to actual coding, testing and documentation; with a particular attention for object design, performance tuning and testing.
Employment History:
NB: the training activities appear as overlapping to other projects or of very short duration; they have been done essentially either on weekends, or during "bench" periods between projects.
London PacificProject: Lloyds TSB CRM infrastructure
Client: Lloyds TSB (banking)
Title: Java-Forte developer, member of architecture and framework team
Duration: March 2000 - to date (contract being terminated prematurely for budgetary reasons)
Project Description
The CRM Java Architecture and Framework group provides other subsystems the architecture and the support to develop a fully integrated CRM approach for Lloyds TSB, and provides the connectivity to the back end (CICS) for any type of client (DCOM-ASP, sockets) through XML messaging.
The framework consists of a Java Facade to connect any client to a Forte middletier implementing the business logic; the middletier uses for persistence both Oracle and a CICS mainframe through MQ-Series. Chordiant provides the Forte middletier and connectivity to MQSeries.
The project is giving experience in: UNIX scripting, performance test and optimisation strategies, DCOM to Java bridging
VisualAge 3.5, Visual J++, AIX on RS6000, Visual Basic 6.0, Forte, JIntegra 1.3.9, Chordiant 3.1
Employer: ABCom
- joining date January 2000Project: Empire Bluecross Blueshield Provider Portal
Client: Empire Bluecross Blueshield (Health Insurance)
Title: EJB-JSP-Servlets-Javascript developer and co-architect
Duration: September 2000 – end of Feb 2001
Project Description
Health providers connect through a browser to the EBCBS portal, manage their patients in the waiting room, submit claims to the insurance company, and receive notification of claim approval.
The front end makes heavy use of Javascript to process locally data. The back end processes requests through Servlets and JSP, and uses a EJB-based API for business logic and storage in an Oracle database, and through MQSeries to a IBM mainframe using XML messaging.
The project gave to the candidate experience in: development and deployment of EJB in Websphere Application Server, advanced programming in Javascript, JSP and Servlet programming, Swing programming.
Websphere and VisualAge 3.5, Homesite, Teamsite, Windows NT
Project: Portal for marketing professionals
Client: MarketMakers.com
Title: Java-JSP-EJB-Weblogic developer and architect
Duration: February 2000 – August 2000
Project Description
MarketMakers is a Business-to-Business Services Exchange for marketing professionals. Service Matching is a market for buying and selling marketing creative resources like copywriters, graphics designers, advertising consultants and other talent.
The project gave to the candidate excellent experience in: design and development of EJB and JSP, running and debugging applications using BEA Weblogic as AppServer, performance tuning and testing of a Web application; programming complex UI using JSP and Javascript; XML.
Tools used: Visual J++, Visual C++, and BEA Weblogic 4.5.1. Operating Systems: Windows NT.
Project: Training
Client: ABCom Consulting
Title: Java Technical trainer
Duration: January 2000 – February 2000 and July to November 2000
Project Description
Given several training courses for the consultants of ABCom and Metlife, during weekends and bench period.
Tools used: Weblogic 5.1 and 4.5.1, Java 1.2 and 1.3. Operating Systems: Windows NT.
Employer: Ionidea
(formerly IBC) - from July 1997 to January 2000Project: Toll Collection System - Web interface
Client: Lockheed Martin IMS – New York City Metropolitan Transit Authority
Title: Forte-Java-Web developer, member of architectural team
Duration: February 99 – December 99
Project Description
The system collects toll information from lanes and conveys them in a central database. Batch processes are run to build billing information. A CSR Forte Client allows the CSR to open/maintain accounts, review toll history and financial history etc. A Web Client allows the user to access a subset of the CSR functionality. An IVR (Interactive Voice Response) performs a smaller subset of functions.
Implement Web interface (client and server side) using HTML/Javascript/Forte WebEnterprise, for a total of some 25 use-cases implemented.
Analysis and test of a Java Servlet and IIOP based interface to the server.
Writing documentation and specifications interacting with business analysts.
Design of a Framework to cache static/semistatic data, client and server side.
Review the pre-existing architecture - from the application layer to the database layer - to improve speed, code reusability and OO design. Issuing of architectural recommendations for the overall project.
Maintenance of the C++ code to interface the Forte services with the IVR.
System maintenance (partitioning e/fscripts, deployment of application, VMS scripts, Netscape Server configuration). Stress test on the system using Microsoft WebStress tool. Assistance on the production site.
The project gave to the candidate excellent experience in: architectural design and development of client and server-side multi-tier applications, Forte system administration, performance tuning and testing of a Web application; design of HTML pages and Javascript, Java-IIOP communication.
Tools used: Forte WebEnterprise, FrontPage, and Access. Operating Systems: Unix, VMS and Windows NT.
Project: Call Center Support Software
Client: Chordiant
Title: Java-Forte-Perl Software Engineer
Duration: October 98 – February 99
Project Description
Framework of Forte and Java classes to build call service centers support software. The application consists of a Forte Client, a Java Framework to build client applications and a Forte Server Framework to build services; plus Java tools to build Java/Forte classes including metainformation to implement database serialisation; and a Forte Workflow editor.
Helping customers through the Forte and Java Framework customisation process and providing support in installation on Unix servers and troubleshooting.
System administration in the development environment and elaboration of many Perl scripts to support development and distribution.
The project gave to the candidate exposure to Bean development in Visual Age, system administration on Unix systems, Forte system administration on Unix servers, Perl programming.
Tools used: IBM VisualAge for Java, Forte, and Perl
Project: Yard and Management system
Client: Randtec
Title: Java Software Engineer
Duration: January 98 – August 98
Project Description
Distributed Java application to monitor the position of trailers in a yard through RF tag readers, display the state of the yard on a GUI and assign task to dock workers and hostlers, which will interact with the system via mobile terminals
Designed the object model with Rational Rose, coded the database access layer using reflection mechanisms to dynamically generate SQL code; designed and implemented part of the GUI, implemented and tested all the mobile terminals and RF readers management code (with remote event notification), implemented drivers to interact with physical units of different vendors, connected either through network mapping or serial port. Written a subsystem in Java to generate HTML reports from the database.
Study of a way to exchange data in EDI format with other vendors.
The project gave to the candidate excellent experience in: building a framework to implement database access, good experience in object modelling with Rational Rose, Java advanced programming, network communication, multithreaded programming, distributed computing over RMI, event notification, AWT GUI, BSC protocol and VT220 emulation, HTML, EDI.
Tools used: Visual Café, Visual SourceSafe, Rational Rose, RMI.
Project: Forte-Java-CORBA training
Client: IBC India, Bangalore
Title: Forte and Java developer and technical trainer
Duration: July 97 to December 97, September 98
Project Description
In depth training of IBC consultants on the following topics:
Aside from that, some in-house projects where developed using Forte, Java and Visibroker: Business Graphics Toolkit, Statistic Library for Forte, Conference Registration
Projects: SMALP, PATHS
Clients: Italian Army, Italian Public Administration
Title: Software Engineer
Duration: June 95 to June 97
Project Description
Analysis and development of a huge (around 80 tables and 20 forms) database application for the Italian Army on Novell Network using OO language Gupta SQLWindows. The principal effort has been in designing a whole set of classes (forms, combo & popuplists, tables, textboxes…) to enhance the GUI capabilities of SQLWindows and link data widgets to database tables.
With the same tools and responsibilities, for the Public Administration of the Region Valle d’Aosta I developed an application to classify the environmental and historical patrimony of the Region.
Analysis with the client, design and development of the database, development of the business logic and GUI interface.
Project: ESA Terminals Visual Programming Tool
Client: ESA Terminals
Title: Delphi Software Engineer
Duration: December 96 to May 97
For an Italian Manufacturer of products for Industry Automation I developed a portion of a CAD package to visually design Man/Machine interfaces on intelligent terminals for PLC.
Tools used: Delphi
Project: Pallet Transfer
Client: Automa
Title: PLC and C programmer
Duration: May 94 to September 94
For an Italian Industry Automation firm I developed in PLC OMRON code a program to automate a robot transporting tile pallets, and designed for a C interpreter built into a PLC network supervisor for a simulation of the plant.
Tools used: SuperFlash, C language
Project: Remote Alarms, Pneumatic circuits and PLC simulator, Thumb
Title: Senior Programmer
Duration: total of 7 months
Many small-medium size applications and tools written with Delphi 1.0 and 2.0, dealing with: TAPI, graphic displaying, CAD, simulation of circuits.
Tools used: Delphi, Object Pascal.
Employer: Polytechnic of Torino and Technical School for Industrial Engineers (Sept 92 to June 97)
Title: Technical Trainer
Duration: September 92 to June 97 (part time)
I have been training BS engineers in telecommunications on DSP AD2001, antennas, electronics, C/C++, Visual Basic, assembler 8086, with very deep laboratory coverage of all the aspects, especially in the design of Digital filters and modems.
I have also trained engineers in industry automation to the usage of OMRON and AEG PLC, COMAU 7 axes anthropomorphic Robot (Pascal), DAQ Cards, analog and digital Control Systems, PLC protocols and Industry Supervision products, Spectrum Analyser, Network Analyser, Logic State Analyser, Digital and Analog Oscilloscopes, Digital Signal Analyser (mostly HP instruments).
Since almost all the training was practical and hands-on and project oriented, I have developed very good skills in the experimental side of all the mentioned products.
Projects: IMPSYS
Client: FAO (ONU)
Title: Software Engineer
Duration: February 92 to August 92
Project Description
Analysis and development of an accounting application for the FAO field projects in Africa using Excel 3.0 Macro Language. The principal effort has been to implement relational access to tables in an environment like Excel, which (at that time) was flat-file, and to provide good GUI.
Analysis with the client, design and development of the tables, development of the business logic and GUI interface.
Project: Database Applications
Client: Italian External Affairs Ministry
Title: Software Engineer
Duration: August 89 to February 92
Project Description
Analysis and development of a huge database application for administrative purposes for a training Center operating in most African Countries using DBIV database under DOS. The main effort has been to perform the analysis with a customer working in 11 different countries with different policies according to the country, and provide a sufficiently general approach to management so that all national offices could profit of it; providing good GUI under DOS was also a big effort.
I travelled to 6 different countries (Chad, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, and Cameroon) to customise the application and train the personnel.
Analysis with the client, design and development of the tables, development of the business logic and GUI interface, training.
Employer: Italian Telecom (January 87 to July 89)
Project: Video switching exchange
Title: C programmer and Telecommunications Engineer
Duration: January 87 to July 89
Project Description
Team development in C code of a switching exchange for wide band signals, on VAX/Ultrix. The project would continue a preceding project by Italtel, meant for a voice standard, and customise it for a new hardware platform.
Analysis of the C source code (mostly macros), of structure of messages to be sent to the matrix device driver, redefinition of new set of messages, implementation of new functionality.
Operating System: VAX Ultrix
Project Description
Training on telecommunication and computer science issues, project of a metropolitan fiber optic network, specialisation in LAN traffic analysis
Miscellaneous Projects: Turbine speed control microprocessor cards with Z-80, simulation of behaviour of irradiated structured in Pascal on VAX, C Compiler using Lex and Yacc,
Bachelors degree: Diploma in Electronics with a specialisation in Telecommunications at the Polytechnic of Torino – Italy (1986) 108/110 - entailing 5 years of studies and a thesis on techniques for spectral dispersion in satellite communications.
Master in Computer Science and Telecommunications with Italian Telecom (9 months post-degree course, covering advanced techniques for telecommunications especially for telephony, and computer technology for telecommunications); my thesis consisted in the design of a backbone optical fiber network for the city of Rome.
Personal interests and free-time activities:
Travelling, Latin-American literature and music, languages, solidarity activities for street children in Nicaragua. Biking, skiing, mountain climbing, jogging.
In Lloyds: Simon Johnson [email protected] +44-(0)207-2323232
In Empire Bluecross Blueshield: Shopon Hossein +1-718 275 3285 [email protected]
In MarketMakers: Jonathan Cobb [email protected]
In Lockheed Martin: Sivaram Ghorakavi [email protected] +1-301 537 6167, Ivan Follender [email protected] +1-212-539-0839
In Chordiant: Peter Nelson [email protected]
In Randtec: Neil Daniels [email protected] +1-703-323-8505